Once upon a time, an author who wanted to market their book on social media could take a few professional flat lay photos of the cover and be ready to post on Instagram for near-instant likes. While we still wholeheartedly approve of the photo flat lay approach, social media marketing for books has vastly changed in the last year, and now includes much more video content.
Are you on the fence? Thinking about caving and starting to film Instagram Reels or TikToks?
Well, we get it, so here are some reasons we think you should give it a try:
Algorithm Changes
Thanks to Instagram’s algorithm changes last year, the once photography-based platform now favors promoting Instagram Reels to your followers (and even to who they deem your potential followers!). In order to reach the widest target audience, including Reels into your current marketing plan is the best way to go. There is no need to give up photography completely, but including a Reel at least once a week can help bring readers to your profile.
#BookTok Trends
Whether you find TikTok a hilarious way to spend your breaks at work, a dark pit to keep you from being productive, or have a love-hate relationship with the video-based app, it’s undeniable that this platform has made a big splash in the marketing industry lately. Plenty of our local bookstores have a table or shelf set up just for popular “BookTok” books. Whether a traditional, independent, or self-published book, just one video going viral could terrifically boost your sales. Don’t underestimate the ability that a dedicated audience on this platform can have to help your book reach more hands (and eyes)!
Personalized Approach
While a spectacular cover reveal photo can absolutely garner interest in your book, there is something especially appealing to a reader when learning more about the content of your book instead of just the cover and synopsis. With a Reel/TikTok, you could walk dedicated, or interested, readers through your writing process, your favorite scene in the book, or any upcoming projects you’re working on! If you don’t like showing your face or talking directly to the camera, you can post a photo that shows off your book’s aesthetic or your favorite quotes instead.
Practice Makes Perfect
The process of creating Reels/TikToks does not have to be as laborious as you might imagine! While trendy effects/transitions/etc. are certainly a fun way to appeal to your target audience, a Reel/TikTok can be as simple as making a montage using photos from your last photoshoot and audio to match the aesthetic of the book. Videos do not need to be long either; often, Reels/TikToks under 15 seconds surpass longer videos in views.
No matter how you choose to incorporate Instagram Reels or TikToks, we highly recommend trying or prioritizing this strategy in 2022. If you’re ever low on ideas or time to create content, Valkyrie Visionaries offers promotional tours on TikTok and Instagram and individual Reel/TikTok marketing services. Email us ([email protected]) if you’re interested or have any questions!